Hulu Plus: Pay Money And Still See Ads! [FAIL]

Hulu decided that everyone was getting frustrated not paying to watch their content, so now they expect $10 a month for "non-premium content" (they're still in bed with network heads)... & you still get shamelessly advertised to throughout your show!
Hulu Plus. Expect it to be next of kin with MSFTs phone... dead in 6 months.

India's New Ultra Cheap Hybrids Rapid Heating Technology

India's Tata Moyors has been in the news recently after the release of their ultra affordable sub $1k hybrids. Apparenty they catch fire at a moments notice, but have required a third party to tip you off since the flaming engine is in the rear.

Moral of the story:

You get what you pay for.

-- Posted by Thor via iPhone

Gravity Win

-- Posted by Thor via iPhone

Painting Dreams

"Drippy Eye"