Quotable quote for 2009:
“Email is not going to disappear. Possibly ever. Until the robots kill us all.” – Paul Buchheit, creator of Gmail
This is for everyone who loves Appulo.us but hates the troll bridge.
Current question:
Kyek modified a Greasemonkey plugin to allow you to see if an Appulous IPA link was dead before you clicked it. The original plugin was the ________ Links Checker
Answer: Cavern.
Check back when the troll bridge is updated!
Google Reader, a popular feed aggregator, now allows shared items to be published into a nice feed friendly list. Anyone with Google Reader can simply enable sharing on a public page so the world can see their favorite stories. My shared items can be found here:
Do you share stories in Google Reader? Post your shared URL in the comments below!
-- Posted by Thor via iPhone
Bright upbeat hits trickle over a waterfall of sound with a steady dance rhythm in this modernized folklore single. Dance and shake a tamborine for this happy song.
download: Chasing Waterfalls: Faux Pas
From BikePortland.org, a recent interview with Google has revealed their plans to use Google Trikes to capture images and map bike paths and trails that will be visible on Google Maps and the popular Street View feature that offers users a first hand look at the streets.
Cyclists rejoice! Google has stated their Trikes are on their way to Portland now.
Original story via Bikeportland.org
vertu, cobra, iphone, katie verber, mikhail prokhor, jewels, golden iphone
Often popular wireless products like Apple's iPhone or RIM's Blackberry get a sprinkling of diamonds or a plating in pure gold that creates a flagrantly priced device thousands of dollars more than their original price, but callphone maker Vertu has taken the cake with their newest Cobra phone.
Barack, Obama, democrat, liberal, blackberry, crackberry, comic, satire, politics, political, barack obama, comics, comedy
Portland's own 25 year old DJ Dundiggy has recently delighted electronica lovers with his newest promo mix, titled "The Fix: Super Sonic Bionic Robot Voodoo Power Dundiggy Mix." It is offered as a free download, and is by far one of my favorite recent mixes of some of my favorite electronica.
Okay, I just couldn't let this one go: mental_floss has just reported that recently ornitholigists have noticed more and more pelicans flying confusedly into suburban areas, away from their natural habitats. Some of their symptoms like burnt feet are consistent with poisoning from a sea algae, but a study estimates almost 80% of pelicans are exhibiting these symptoms, while saltwater tests don't show the high toxin levels necessary for such a wide impact. Why?
I am trying to build a top ten list but Kitty is sleeping on me, blocking my keyboard access to only one hand.
When he's sleeping his tongue sticks out a little. My iPhone has captured the cuteness for you to see...
Bryan Bertin is the director of this suspenseful flick that scares viewers with threats of home invasion. While many online reviews list it in the top 10 horror movies of 2008, this is simply because horror movies are classically both poorly written and poorly acted. The Strangers is no different: A tiny budget leaves this flick in one small cabin with a cast of maybe 10 people total. 80% of the movie reeks of suspenseful set-ups that are never followed through, leaving the viewer bored after 5 or more frightening build-ups. Eventually it becomes routine for the music to get super loud and scary during a suspenseful buildup only to have it be something without an axe.
LAAME. Just goes to show that there are loads of terrible horror movies you can waste your time on. But I wouldn't recommend it.
Site Update: Since I will be impeding progress of other parts of the site since I am the sole contributor by trying to re-learn perl and MySQL I decided to outsource my blogging to blogger since it already has a nice commenting/archive system in place.
More comics coming soon... Also an interface update will come soon as well since that is also quite lacking.
More Soon!
Wednesday, January 7th
New comic posted today. It's a large file, sorry. I'm still getting the hang of making things go from paper to ink and still remain webfriendly.
Making a website singlehandedly is a lot of work, it seems quite daunting when I think about it. Fortunately since the economy is sucking right now I hardly work so I can devote more time here.
Portland is definitely the place to be for the music scene. I have discovered so much great music recently, many artists that come straight from Portland. If you want to know what I like, check out the music page I am adding in five minutes. It has a cool last.fm widget that tells you what I am listening to right now and lets you listen to some of the songs.
Sun, January 4th
Welcome. Sorry about the bare-bones look and feel, but this blog is barely 3 days old (as of this writing). As an avid blog reader I often comment on other weblogs, but often any meaningful adages get swept into the masses of commenter banter. Thus, thewhitestblogever has spawned for an outlet of my thoughts, my doodling, and my biased, unadulterated opinion.
Once I become a 1337* web coder again I can ditch Dreamweaver and start hand coding a nice forum for fans of the blog.
And the last time I used perl was in high school, so I'll brush up on that make a nice (basic) commenting system so this can actually be called a 'blog'.
more updates soon! I planned to have a few more comics, but I can't stay up too late since I have to work tomorrow.
* elite